Cosplay Rules and Regulations
Be respectful to others at all times. Any inappropriate behavior, harassment, or disrespect toward fellow cosplayers or staff will not be tolerated.
Backstage is a safe and friendly space. Please respect personal boundaries and avoid tampering with others' cosplays or props.
Dress Code
Cosplays must align with UAE public dress codes. Ensure all outfits are PG-13: ​
No short skirts/dresses above mid-thigh without full tights.
No revealing chest, rear, or stomach.
Necklines should not go below the collarbone.
Skintight cosplays (e.g., spandex suits) must have an appropriate covering layer.
Props and Accessories
​Props must be lightweight and non-functional (no real weapons). Realistic prop guns must have an orange safety tip.
Bows must have no strings, and arrows must not have sharp heads.
Onstage and Performance
Cosplay catwalks are about fun and showcasing creativity. Please keep all performances and acts PG-13.
No swearing, offensive gestures, or inappropriate performances.
General Notes
Cosplayers may take photos and selfies, but always ask for consent before photographing others.
Food and drinks (except water) are not allowed backstage.
Enjoy the Event!
Cosplay is about passion, creativity, and community. Embrace the experience and make memories!